Pricing Estimator Tool

A grand reveal for a grand conversion rate.


While general pricing guidelines to use Favor’s services are listed in various places, research uncovered that users were hesitant to trust phrases such as “free” or “$0” as they were “waiting for the other shoe to drop.” A lack of pricing awareness (read: trust) is determined to be one of the top 3 reasons users abandoned the onboarding process.

Problem Statement

Without giving information to curate an estimate, users are hesitant to believe pricing listed throughout the website.

Solution Features

Must Have

Incorporate the key factors in Rx pricing

To keep the project low-effort and -cost, a real-time benefits check is deemed out of scope. Instead, use key inputs like region, health plan, and contraceptive brand to calculate the fees and cost for past users.

Must Have

90th Percentile Affect

Calculate the 90th percentile price for every variation of inputs. Use that value in the design; everyone see's themselves in the 90th percentile.

In addition, we made the payers happy - they don't like when their members are shown cash prices.

Must have

Gateway into Onboarding

Mitigate friction in moving through the conversion funnel.

Should Have

Prime the User

Break down the pricing structure now so the user doesn't feel scammed and churn at checkout. Transparency is queen.

Should Have

Illusion of Labor

Making users wait for a thing they've sought out creates the appearance of customization. They'll be excited in spite of needing to pay a cost.

Could Have

Highlight the Free

Without creating clutter, highlight the total value of the purchase. Freebies are the cherry on top.


The rate at which those who engaged with the pricing estimator converted compared to those who didn’t.